Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Kenny's shopping spree

Ok so any of you who know Ken and know how he gets when he gets low blood sugar will appreciate this story. To nights dinner was chicken fettichinii, except at about 11:00 this morning I remember that we didn't have any chicken. Ken got off work earlier than me so I called him up and asked him if he would please run to Macey's and grab us some chicken for dinner. This is what he came home with...

I probably shouldn't repeat what I said when I opened the pantry and saw all of this crap food starring back at me...Kenny quickly apologized like this. "I know I am so sorry! This is what happens when I got shopping when my blood sugar is low." Wow, boys and girls, wow!


Mauri said...

Oh, please tell me what you said when you opened the pantry door! I have a few ideas, but I would love to hear it from you!!

Vanessa Jane said...

OK I love this because my dad has been diabetic for like almost 60 years. & this is exactly what it looks like when he comes home from the store, except he always buys tons of soda too. The grandkids love coming to papa's house because he has all his (low-blood sugar) treats!

Tyler and Emily said...

That is hilarious..I can´t send Ty to the store when he´s remotely hungry becuase he comes home with similar things...and guess who ends up eating it_! )the question mark doesn´t work! Miss you