The sweet Maxima was hit unexpectedly from the behind. Her cute little bumper smashed into oblivion. I, of coarse teared up immediately, tried to pull over through fogged up vision and attempted to get control of myself. I looked over at the evil VW Jetta that had just hit me and there were about 8 teenage boys piling out of all four doors. They looked like trouble from the start I tell ya. I walked over to them just in time to see two of them showering their black hoodies down in air-freshener.Hmmmmm. Now I am not expert, but I suspect they were smoking the marijuana cigarette. Two other cars, full of boys, then pulled over and all present (except for the driver/villain of coarse) jumped into the get-a-way vehicles and fled the scene in a flash. What do you think? Suspicious? Those dirty rascals.
I was then left, alone in the dark, with a pissed off) 17 year old boy. "Big gulps huh? Well see ya later" No, but it was totally awkward until his sweet mom and the funny female cop showed up. They were both really nice and light hearted about the whole thing and we got to be good old friends by the end of it all. We all met at Starbucks for a warm treat on our way home. Ok that part was made up.
So anyways, this is my sad sob story for the night. If anyone know of any good body-shop peeps that can give us an estimate please let me know. If not, just feel sorry for-me that is good too:)
By the looks of it I was the one smoking the marijuana cigarette.
Alright, alright I will stop with the saddness.