Hello Everyone!
While McKenzie and Kenny were in warm, sunny Florida enjoying the sun rays and happiness of Disneyworld, she left me to blog for her. I'm ok with that. You know why? Because I have some good stuff to dish about them. Now, I understand that all ya'll (readers of the Johnson blog) are friends and family with them. We are too! We (and when I mean we, I mean husband and I), will claim our connection through the ward. However, our friendship (mine and McKenzie's) didn't start there.
McKenzie and I met our freshman year, and were both ambitious enough to take Anatomy our freshman year (I know, what were we thinking? Don't worry, I dropped it three weeks into the semester). Both determined to make it into the prestigious and ever-so-competitive UVSC dental hygiene program. We took several of the prerequisites together and had many study sessions with our brains running on the sugars from Swedish Fish. I think all of you know how contagious Kenzie's cute laugh is--needless to say we weren't very quite in the library. Anyway, McKenzie obviously went onto hygiene, and I to other things...our paths never to cross until summer of 2007 when we moved into their ward. We now hold regular play dates with our cute puppies. Now, I know most of you really don't care about the Hagen and Johnson friendship. I just wanted ya'll to know who this random girl was writing and posting weird videos in their blog (since we don't really have any mutual friends).
Now to the good stuff. We were rockin' out one night and I just happened to have my video recorder. Here you go, our garage band:
and if you didn't get enough, here's more:
Looking at older posts (Valentine's Day) I get the feeling that this isn't Kenny's first time to sing like this. My question is, why hasn't he quit his day job yet?
-Rachel Hagen